
Publisher's Note

Your weekly Publisher check in

By Natalia Castro - Summerlin - NW Las Vegas Publisher January 5, 2018

Happy New Year!! I am excited for all the exciting family fun for 2018!

If you follow us on Facebook then you know we welcomed a new Macaroni Kid to our family this December. I am looking forward to sharing our adventures as a family of 5 with a teenager, kindergartener and newborn! 

The publisher's note will have a look at this week's newsletter, things to look forward to, and links to our current giveaways. 

This week make a memory jar to capture your 2018 moments,  silly ways to use your kid's Fingerling, and our featured book of the month. 

Enter to win a family 4 pack to Disney on Ice.

Find upcoming events, like China Lights, here

This is your local resource so if there's an event or resource you'd like to share please reach out and email me at

Cheers to the new year - may it bring you peace, love and macaroni kid fun!